Saturday, February 3, 2007

Restless by William Boyd

My first foray into the genre of spy thiller and I'm liking it. I particularly liked the format of the novel with the interplay between the two generations. The only criticism I have is that the very last paragraph seems completely out of place. Until that point the writing style is straight-forward and down-to-earth and the poetry and flowery language of the last paragraph just does not fit for me. We're discussing this at book club tomorrow so I can write more after that.

The Making of a Chef by Mark Ruhlman

Loved this book. I think I may have liked Soul of a Chef a little better, but both are truly required reading if you want to understand the philosophy and driving force behind the great chefs.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

What Is This?

This blog is a spot for me to write about the books that I've been reading and or have read as well as a place for me to keep track of those books that I want to read. You can also track what I'm reading now through the list at the left. I usually try to read one or two books at a time, but sometimes that can grow to three or four...